Mar 21, 2020

Clarification To Shareholders Regarding Palm Hills Developments’ Upcoming Ordinary And Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meetings Scheduled For March 29, 2020

Given the current circumstances and the obligatory requirements to implement His Excellency the Egyptian Prime Minister’s decisions number 606 and 718 of 2020, concerning precautionary measures that followed the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), which will hinder the Company from hosting the upcoming Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meetings at the

previously announced physical location, and based on decision number 160 dated March 18, 2020 issued by the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones, Palm Hills Developments has decided to host the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting as scheduled on March 29, 2020 at 3:00 pm (Cairo local time) for the Ordinary Meeting and at 4:00 pm for the Extraordinary Meeting with the same agenda items referred to in the invitations published in the local newspapers and electronically, via a conference call noting that audio participation by the Company’s shareholders on the phone is deemed as an actual attendance.

Please use the following dial-in details to join the meeting:

Local Number: +202-35351240 Meeting Code/Pin: 465#

United Kingdom: +44 203 984 9844

United States: +1 718 866 4614

UK & US Participant Code: 246800

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